Prayers for today
As you know, I'm down to just one possibility for a chemo drug, unless Dr. Lossing comes back with a miracle drug from the conference, or the blood test I took last Monday shows that I am now Her2neu positive, which would allow me to take Herceptin...another wonder drug.
But...with that said, I have my appointment at 1:30 today with Dr. Lossing. He will let me know if my liver function tests are good enough for me to even attempt chemo. But I need to get back on treatment. My tumors are growing, the pain is intensifying, and the battle is waging within my body. Please pray for God to have His way in my situation. I have so much more living to do, and so I'm asking you to pray in agreement with me, for a solution. Thank you so much for always praying. I know God is in control, and I haven't stopped trusting Him.
May I be a blessing to you in each word I write today.
The past is history, the future is a mystery, but the present is a gift! Enjoy today.
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